Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Kathak Parampara" at the Theater for the New City

The East-West School of Dance, NY, in association with the Trinayan Collective & Kinding Sindaw’s Dancing Across Borders & will be presenting “Kathak Parampara” as part of Stirring Rhythms: Merging Ancient Dance Rituals with the Contemporary Human Experience, 5 nights of Asian dance and music.
Under the able guidance of Pandit Satya Narayana Charka, the East-West School of Dance will explore Kathak’s history—from the Hindu temples where it began, to the courts of Mughal kings, where it was nurtured, taught, and given a Persian touch—eventually becoming a mixture of both Hindu and Muslim cultures. In this age of war and unrest, Kathak dance with all its depth and beauty, reveals how art is able to bring love and unity to the world. The program will take place on Saturday, May 17th, at 3pm at the Theater for the New City.