Thursday, March 1, 2007

Kathak Dance

Kathak is the classical dance of North India. The word Kathak is derived from the word Katha, means "a story", and hence the word Kathak means a storyteller who recounted mythological tales in the temples and danced them in a state of ecstasy. Having its origin in the sacred text known as the Natya Shastra, said to be divinely inspired through the sage Bharata, it has become one of the most comprehensive and expressive language of movement in the world. It is hoped that East-West School's creative cultural exchange, inspired by a spirit of true cooperation between East and West, will continue to blossom and ultimately contribute to global healing and peace.

The combination of physical and mental discipline inherent in the study of the art of dance along with the joy experienced in creative expression has been found to be very therapeutic and especially beneficial for young students in their overall development.

Ongoing beginning and intermediate classes in North Indian Classical Kathak Dance are held at a several locations in the New York Metropolitan area. The dance school incorporated a formal syllabus under the guidance of Guru Srimati Maya Rao and Pandit Birju Maharaj, both well known dance masters of India. There are 3 levels of basic training, followed by 3 more years of theory and practical study after which the students qualify to take exams for a diploma.

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